Greetings, and thank you for visiting the FallstownFUSE! Now that we’re up-and-running, I wanted to take a moment to introduce myself.
I’m Troy, and I’m your publisher, editor, and so far, the only staff member at the FallstownFUSE (I hope to change that, but more on that in a minute). I first moved to Texas in 2000 but I just came to Wichita Falls this past spring straight from an, ahem… relationship status change if you catch my drift, and not knowing anybody, I fell back on my camera.
The first thing I discovered was that Wichita Falls is a beautiful city.

One night while I was out taking photos of the city, I heard music. I followed the sound to Bud Daniel Park and found the James Cook Band doing their soundcheck. The weather was beautiful and I hung around and photographed the show and enjoyed the music a lot that night.
I soon found out live music was everywhere in Wichita Falls.
I mean, everywhere.
Every night there is a talented musician playing their heart out on a stage, in a quiet corner at a coffeeshop, in a window at a wine cellar. And it’s not just music… before I even arrived in the Falls, I exchanged messages with standup comedian Mitch Burrow who was making plans to put on the first Liquid Laughs (it sold out, and another one is on the way.) I found out about Art Walk, and the Moon Market, and the Downtown Farmer’s Market, and, I mean…. the list goes on.

My point is, Wichita Falls has a rich arts & entertainment culture, especially for a city of its size, and I believe it deserves more attention than it gets. I worked in the radio business for nearly 30-years and saw a lot of concerts and live bands, and I can confidently say, what Wichita Falls has in a music scene is special.
From thoughts like those, the idea for was born. A newsletter about the arts & entertainment & dining scene in Wichita Falls, in which I could go out with my camera and experience everything this town has to offer, then report back on it for anybody who’s interested. The food area is one I intend to personally investigate, bite-by-bite.

If we’ve met, I thank you for welcoming me to Wichita Falls, because everyone I’ve met has been fantastic. If we haven’t, I look forward to seeing you at an event sometime. You can expect new content to roll out regularly, including interviews, photos and video, all done in the spirit of loving our city and celebrating and lifting up our artists and creators.
Welcome to theFUSE!
Troy Larson
P.S. I’m looking for collaborators. It’s starving artists around here right now and we’re just getting going, but if you can see the vision, and you have a way with words or know your way around a camera, I’d love to chat.
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All photos by the author, ©
This is so rad. Very well-written & raspy. Great article. Keep ‘em comin’!